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Yarn Board winder

Planofil Multiplex 24: The Ideal Apparatus for Yarn Evenness Analysis

The Planofil Multiplex 24 is the perfect solution for analyzing yarn evenness. Its winding pitches are precisely calibrated to depend on yarn count, ensuring compliance with ASTM standards for cotton.

A special device regulates yarn winding pre-tension, providing consistent and accurate measurements. The machine is equipped with an automatic stop function, which halts operation once the test is complete, enhancing efficiency and reliability.

Upon request, the following additional devices are available:

  • Yarn Wrapping Device for Stickers: This accessory allows for the precise wrapping of yarn onto stickers, facilitating easy handling and examination.
  • Simultaneous Yarn Wrapping Device: Designed to wrap multiple yarns simultaneously on the same board, this device improves efficiency and consistency in sample preparation.
  • Texturized Yarn Examination Device: Specifically tailored for the examination of texturized yarns, ensuring comprehensive analysis and accurate results.

The Planofil Multiplex 24 combines advanced technology with user-friendly features, making it an indispensable tool for professionals in the textile industry.


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