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Flat screen printing with automatic carriage

For this type of printing, manufacturers use 40 to 80 m long printing tables, equipped with an automatic feed carriage sliding on special rails; the printing screen is fixed on the carriage
A special device fitted in the carriage lowers and lifts the printing screen and moves the squeegee ; the pressure applied and the number of passages are entered by the operators.
In automatic screen printing, a pre-set amount of the appropriate colour is released on the fabric  which adheres to the resin-coated conveyor belt of the printing table.  the printing paste is spread uniformly on the fabric by moving the squeegee on the cloth of the screen after the squeegee has passed over the screen, the screen is progressively moved to the next section and lowered again to repeat the same cycle till the end of the piece.
The screen is then replaced with another one and the cloth to be printed receives the next colour; the number of screens corresponds to the number of colours


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