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Precision OEM Syringe Pumps

Enhancing the Electrospinning Process

EPCOTEC GmbH is renowned for its innovative solutions in the field of nanofiber production, including the development of high-quality syringe pumps specifically designed for the electrospinning process. To ensure the highest precision and reliability, EPCOTEC integrates Precision-SY built-in syringe pumps into their systems. These pumps exemplify the cutting-edge technology and engineering excellence that are crucial for successful electrospinning applications.

The Ideal OEM Solution

Advanced Design and Precision:

  • The SPETEC Precision-SY built-in syringe pump is a state-of-the-art OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) component known for its exceptional accuracy and precision. This advanced design ensures that the delivery of polymer solutions is consistent and controlled, which is vital for producing uniform nanofibers.
  • High Accuracy: The pump’s precise control over flow rates allows for the fine-tuning of the electrospinning process, ensuring that the fibers produced meet the desired specifications in terms of diameter and uniformity.

Key Features:

  • Reliability and Durability: The Precision-SY syringe pump is built to withstand the demands of continuous operation in industrial settings, providing long-term reliability and performance.
  • Versatility: Compatible with a wide range of syringe sizes and materials, this pump can handle various polymer solutions, making it highly versatile for different electrospinning applications.
  • Ease of Integration: Designed as an OEM component, the Precision-SY pump seamlessly integrates into EPCOTEC’s electrospinning systems, enhancing their functionality and efficiency.

Applications and Benefits:

  • Consistent Fiber Production: The precise control offered by the  Precision-SY syringe pump ensures consistent fiber production, which is critical for maintaining the quality of nanofibers across different batches.
  • Enhanced Process Control: The ability to fine-tune flow rates and injection volumes provides greater control over the electrospinning process, enabling the production of fibers with specific characteristics tailored to various industrial applications.
  • Reduced Downtime: The reliability and durability of the Precision-SY pump reduce the risk of operational interruptions, ensuring continuous and efficient production.

Why Choose EPCOTEC Syringe Pumps ?

Expertise and Innovation:

  • EPCOTEC’s Commitment: With a deep understanding of the electrospinning process, EPCOTEC is committed to integrating only the best components into their systems. The use of the Precision-SY syringe pumps reflects this commitment to quality and innovation.
  • Continuous Improvement: EPCOTEC invest heavily in research and development to continuously improve their products, ensuring that customers benefit from the latest advancements in technology.

Customer-Centric Approach:

  • Tailored Solutions: EPCOTEC works closely with customers to provide tailored solutions that meet specific needs, ensuring that each system is optimized for the intended application.
  • Comprehensive Support: From installation to ongoing maintenance, EPCOTEC offers comprehensive support to ensure that their syringe pumps and electrospinning systems operate at peak performance.


EPCOTEC GmbH’s integration of a Precision-SY built-in syringe pumps into their electrospinning systems highlights their dedication to precision, reliability, and innovation. These pumps provide the accuracy and control necessary for producing high-quality nanofibers, making them an essential component of EPCOTEC’s advanced electrospinning solutions.

By choosing EPCOTEC’s systems equipped with a Precision-SY syringe pumps, you are investing in a solution that delivers superior performance and consistent results. Contact EPCOTEC today to learn more about how our cutting-edge syringe pumps and electrospinning technologies can enhance your production capabilities and drive your success in the field of nanotechnology.


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