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Stiffness Tester

Fabric Stiffness is a measure in which a material bends under its own weight. The Cantilever Bending Tester is an automated system which measures the overhang of a fabric material at a specified angle. The length of the overhang is measured when the sample is flexed to a 0.724 radians (41.5°) angle from the horizontal plane. The length of the sample overhang and the angle is then used to calculate the Bending Stiffness and Flexural Rigidity in accordance to ASTM D1388, Standard Test Method for Stiffness of Fabrics.
The unit is capable of testing a variety of textile materials including woven fabrics, nonwovens, automotive air bags, layered fabrics and carpets. The Cantilever Bending Tester provides useful information to control stiffness of coated and resin treated fabrics for a variety of special applications.


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